He is a recipient of TCS Research Scholarship from TATA Consultancy Services to support his research work. He received M. Tech. from DAIICT, Gandhinagar, India, and B.E. from RGPV, Bhopal, India. He is interested in applying swarm intelligence, cooperation theory, optimization techniques, and...
(2003). Environmental arsenopyrite stability and dissolution: theory, experiment, and field observations. Chemical Geology, 199: 71–82. Article Google Scholar Das, D., Chatterjee, A., Mandal, B.K., Samanta, G., Chakraborti, D., Chanda, B. (1995). Arsenic in ground water in six ...
Hierarchy theory as a guide to mycorrhizal research on large-scale problems. Environ Pollut. 1991;73:271–84. Article PubMed Google Scholar Johnson NC, Wilson GWTT, Wilson JA, Miller RM, Bowker MA. Mycorrhizal phenotypes and the Law of the Minimum. N Phytol. 2015;205:1473–84. Article ...
Interlocus conflict predicts (a) evolution of traits, beneficial to males but detrimental to females and (b) evolution of aging and life-span under the influence of the cost of bearing these traits. However, there are very few empirical investigations sh
Gauld R. The theory and practice of integrative health care governance: the case of New Zealand’s alliances. J Integr Care (Brighton). 2017;25(1):61–72. Article Google Scholar Dieleman M, Shaw DM, Zwanikken P. Improving the implementation of health workforce policies through governance: ...
According to Landau phenomenological theory, the curvature of the free-energy (F) profile is related to the intrinsic dielectric permittivity of a ferroelectric material, a decrease in curvature corresponds to an increase in dielectric permittivity [45]. Landau theory suggests that free energy of ...
The Silent Epidemic of Attachment Disorder—How I accidentally regressed myself back to infancy and healed it all.” Watch for her posts each Friday, as she explores her journey of recovery by learning the hard way about Attachment Disorder in adults, adult Attachment Theory, and the Adult Atta...
Taylor GA. Action plan for seabird conservation in New Zealand. Part A, Threatened seabirds. Threatened species occasional publication. Department of Conservation; 2000.http://www.doc.govt.nz/documents/science-and-technical/tsop16.pdf. Jones HP, Holmes ND, Butchart SHM, Tershy BR, Kappes PJ, ...
distributionofedges’weight,andfindthatboththedistributionsfollowthescale-freedistribution.Atthes~rnetime, wealsofind亡hattherelationshipbetweenstrengthan ddegreeofavertexarelinearcorrelationduringthegrow t hof thenetwork.Onthebasisofmeai2.矗eldtheory,westudytheweightednetworkroodelandprovethatbothvertices’ ...
The topology signal, which was strongly resolved in this paper and in the literature, has refuted the theory regarding the monophyly of Mytilinae. Keywords: mitogenome structure; evolution; molecular diversity; phylogenomics; multigene phylogenetic reconstructions; divergence time; protein-coding genes ...