their sample includes cases of “blunt force injuries to the cranium and embedded stone and bone projectile points in the post-crania with no signs of healing – providing a prevalence of 1.8 per cent of adults dying violently.”
let me explain. Consider for a moment a population of clones. Let’s go with lizards, since this actually occurs inlizards. So we have our population of lizard clones. They are all female, and are all able to reproduce, leading to twice the potential ...
Studying the morphology – the physical form – of a plant will tell you a lot about the challenges of the place it evolved and what it had to survive to make it to today, but reconstructing the evolutionary tree of a group creates a sort of speculative saga of a group of species chang...
also known as “pitchblende”, UO2but with other minerals), andochre, according toWikipedia, is “is a natural clay earth pigment, a mixture of ferric oxide and varying amounts of clay and sand.” (One of the few elements that can be seen occurring in its pure form in nature is sulfu...
Reticulation is a recurring evolutionary pattern found in phylogenetic reconstructions of life. The pattern results from how species interact and evolve by mechanisms and processes including symbiosis; symbiogenesis; lateral gene transfer (that occurs vi
Hatton said two large puncture holes in the skull are evidence of a big fight, probably with another T. rex. “We don’t know that this is what caused the death of this animal, but we can tell that it did have a major battle during its lifetime,” she said. ...
Compare a living plant with a dead one. Can the simple addition of energy make a completely dead plant live? A dead plant contains the same basic structures as a living plant. It once used the Sun's energy to temporarily increase its order and grow and produce stems, leaves, roots, and...
Once an idea starts in one part of the world, it quickly travels and gains new dimensions. In 1929, Japanese professor Makoto Nishimura created with some success what Karel Capek had envisioned in his play—a robot! This Japanese marvel called Gakutensoku, meaning learning from nature’s laws...
A wasp stinger, with a droplet of venom on its tip. The oviduct that carries eggs to the outside is at the base of the stinger ©Pollinator, Wikimedia Commons: Many people’s attitude towards honeybees (Apisspp.) and social wasps such as hornets (Vespaspp.) is of wariness, if not...
Weirdly, almost no young human children, or women with nursing babies, were shown in this film.) ANYWAY… Based on the number of apes living in Muir Woods, they must have been reproducing at a really high rate compared to normal apes. This wiki states that there are 2,000 apes living...