University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. 2008. Hawley PH, Little TD, Sunderland TR, Mendoza CM. What’s the matter with Kansas? Psychometric validation of the Evolutionary Attitudes and Literacy Survey. Presentation at the Human Behavior and Evolution Society Annual Meeting, Fullerton, California. May,...
Intaglio Printing Technique Intaglio is a family of printmaking techniques in which the image is incised into a surface, known as the matrix or plate. Normally, copper or zinc plates are used as a surface. Lithography Invented by Bavarian author Aloys Senefelder in 1796,lithography is a method ...
When are children taught about evolution and adaptation in primary school? Children learn about adaptation and evolution inYear 6. They build on their knowledge of fossils and rocks (usually studied inYear 3) and their understanding of habitats. As part of their evolution topic they: Learn that ...
To investigate the divergence between the pedigrees ofS. officinarumandS. spontaneumin the ZZ1 genome, we calculated the synonymous substitution (Ks) of the ortholog pairs of SO-ZZSO, SS-ZZSS, ZZSS-ZZSO, and SO-SS (Fig.2c). TheKsanalysis indicated that the ZZSO and ZZSS had the lowe...
I think the poster the black group put up on the Smithsonian making fun of white culture beliefs like: you should give a full day’s work at your job; work hard to get ahead ; plan ahead, save up for important things like a good education, should be required reading in every course ...
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Maximum likelihood tree of Wnt amino acid sequences in selected metazoans. Bootstrap values/poster probabilities from Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses respectively are given on branches. Note that support for the position ofIs_Wnt16was only found using Maximum likelihood (see also Additional fil...