land plantslife cycless="para">Abstract All sexually reproducing eukaryotes have a life cycle consisting of a haploid and a diploid phase, marked by meiosis and syngamy (fertilization). Each phase is adapted to certain environmental conditions. In land plants, the recently reconstructed phylogeny ...
In land plants, the recently reconstructed phylogeny indicates that the life cycle has evolved from a condition with a dominant free-living haploid gametophyte to one with a dominant free-living diploid sporophyte. The latter condition allows plants to produce more genotypic diversity by harnessing ...
providing ways to colonize the environment and optimize resource acquisition both above and below ground. Fossil and phylogenetic evidence indicates that branching evolved independently in the two generations of the land plant life cycle. In this chapter, I focus on shoot systems and discuss two contr...
Meristems, Cells, and Tissues of the Plant Body—Their Structure, Function, and Development 3rd edn (Wiley, 2006). Frank, M. H. & Scanlon, M. J. Transcriptomic evidence for the evolution of shoot meristem function in sporophyte-dominant land plants through concerted selection of ancestral ...
that synthesizes evidence from fossils of the Rhynie chert with advances in developmental genetics and plant phylogenetics, focusing on different hypotheses explaining the free-living sporophyte of vascular plants and highlighting the importance of this transition in the subsequent evolution of land plants...
Oleosin genes have been detected in numerous plant species. However, the presence of oleosin genes in the most basally diverging lineage of land plants, liverworts, has not been reported previously. Thus we explored whether liverworts have an oleosin gene. In Marchantia polymorpha L., a thallo...
Phylogenomics reveals the evolutionary origin of lichenization in chlorophyte algae A perspective on ecologically relevant plant-UV research and its practical application The Genome of the Charophyte AlgaPenium margaritaceumBears Footprints of the Evolutionary Origins of Land Plants ...
Research Highlights02 Jan 2025Nature Plants Volume: 11, P: 7 Agile nutrient network evolution Plant adaptation to life on land included gaining the ability to obtain nutrients from barren terrestrial substrates. New work pinpoints a small, conserved genetic core with extensive rewiring of nutrient-res...
Plant, any multicellular, eukaryotic, usually photosynthetic life-form in the kingdom Plantae. There are an estimated 390,900 different species of plants known to science. Learn more about the plant kingdom, including the life and evolutionary histories
Plant Systematics and Evolution is a comprehensive journal dedicated to original research, communications and reviews on plant systematics in the broadest ...