molecular phylogeny was conducted in each family. These results showed that all habu SV genes of a given family clustered with SV homologs of the same family from species in the Viperidae, such asP.mucrosquamatus(Brown spotted pitviper) andOvophis okinavensis(Himehabu), and in the Elapidae, su...
The nutrient-rich tubers of the greater yam, Dioscorea alata L., provide food and income security for millions of people around the world. Despite its global importance, however, greater yam remains an orphan crop. Here, we address this resource gap by p
The evolutionary transition from phagotrophy to phototrophy is therefore non-trivial, and the intermediate stages that bridge the morphological traits associated with these two lifestyles are important to understand. With this in mind, we have discovered and characterized a novel marine species with a...
Syncarpea from the Big-bracted group (BB) and subgen. Kraniopsis from the BW group. The former is missing C. multinervosa, closely related to C. kousa Hance, and C. elliptica (Chun) Q. Y. Xiang & Bouf- ford, closely related to C. capitata Wall. Subgenus Kraniopsis consists of ...
However, the prevalence, biogenesis mechanism and function of retrotransposons remain largely unknown. Here, we developed retroSeeker, a novel computational software that identifies novel retrotransposons from pairwise alignments of genomes and decodes their biogenesis, expression, evolution and potential ...
A MEGA file was created from the clustal file using MEGA6 software (Tamura et al., 2013). A model selection was conducted to find a suitable model to construct the phylogenetic tree. The model selection was carried out using the neighbor-joining tree and maximum likelihood statistical method....
The Aedes dsx gene encodes indeed a novel second female-specific DSX isoform, by an exon skipping mechanism. Interestingly different putative splicing regulatory sequences have been found within the sex-specifically regulated Aedes dsx region, suggesting a possible model of its splicing regulation by ...
Only, as far as I can see, because “advancesments” sounds fancier and more intellectual than the simpler “advances.” Let’s go back to the shorter word! Here’s a Huffpost example from 2011 (click to read if you must): 2.) “Stakeholder”used as “someone with a material interest...
generation of plant genome assemblies at the chromosome level [1,2,3,4]. The high-quality reference genomes and relevant phylogenomic analysis have strongly helped in identifying the plant genome organization properties, enhanced the knowledge of plant evolution, and greatly enriched the tree of life...
In the past decade, a number of new toxin–antitoxin systems have been described, bringing new growth inhibition mechanisms to light as well as novel modes of antitoxicity. However, recent advances in the field profoundly questioned the role of these systems in bacterial physiology, stress ...