agricultural TFP of provinces does not exist crconvergence since 1993;Human capital,the proportion of irrigated area,the proportion of wages income and the proportion of agricultural finance expenditure have positive effects on agricultural TFP,while the proportion of agricultural production and the ...
One example of an educational intervention that does explicitly apply evolution to human behavior is an interdisciplinary undergraduate course “Evolution for everyone” (O’Brien et al.2009; Wilson2005). Wilson (2005) documented change in students’ answers to the question “How much has this class...
03-08 18:03:55.308 23864 23976 W OpaStore: #mergeZeroStateResponses(): cannot keep CachedElementCandidate with id 'DoItAgainServerContext_source_cache' because it does not exist in the client cache. 03-08 18:03:55.318 23864 23976 W WeatherDataAdapter: Incomplete data for smartspace request ...
9), which does not clarify whether homologues in the Zygomycotina and some Basidiomycotina have a similar role to that seen in A. nidulans. Furthermore, medA mutants show different phenotypes depending on the species. In all cases, the levels of conidiation are affected. Whereas in A. ...
It is a time-dependent process that does not depend on the strain/stress state of the material, but depends on the temperature since it is a diffusion process. The driving force for the isotropic coarsening is the minimization of the γ/γ′ interfacial energy. If some authors accounted for...
Although the pure delafossite CuVO2 does not exist, the present study well confirms that large amounts of vanadium(III) can be incorporated into copper bas... KE Ataoui,JP Doumerc,A Ammar,... - Remces 10, Séminaire International Sur La Physico-chimie Des Matériaux, Meknès, Maroc, Av...
A commonly adopted relational account of time evolution in generally covariant systems, and more specifically in quantum cosmology, is argued to be unsatisfactory, insofar as it describes evolution relative to observed readings of a clock that does not exist as a bona fide observable object. A modi...
Beijing’s claim that the Dalai Lama condones such suicidal statements may be borne out by the Dalai Lama’s own reaction: according to The Telegraph,“The Dalai Lama has said he does not encourage the protests, but he has praised the courage of those who engage in self-immolation and has...
Over 90% of the enclosed coarse clastic material is repre- sented by volcanic rocks, of which 80%–90% are trachybasalts, andesitic basalts, trachytes and porphyritic syenites, with subordi- nate proportion of terrigenous rocks (does not exceed 10%–25%). The matrix varies from coarse-...
(Reznick 2010, p. 124). The theory does so by analyzing the evolution of fitness components, so-called life history traits, and how they interact: size at birth; growth pattern; age and size at maturity; number, size, and sex of offspring; age-, stage- or size-specific reproductive ...