The basic role of the health sciences librarian has not significantly changed throughout history. It has been- and remains-to collect information and organize it for effective use. What has changed is the environment in which this role is carried out and the tools used to accomplish the tasks...
Natural Selection – Survival of the Fittest Fittest = Who is able to survive and pass genes on to more offspring. Types of Adaptation Camouflage Amazing Animal Camouflage Types of Adaptation Camouflage Amazing Animal Camouflage Types of Adaptation Mimicry – One species evolves to resemble another sp...
Classification Sometimes classification keys are used to identify organisms by traits that are visible However, scientists today now look at how closely members of groups are related. Phylogeny- the study of how living and extinct organisms are related to one another. Clade- A group of species tha...
•Population–agroupofsimilarorganisms,fromthesamespeciesgroup.•GenePool–thetotalcollectionofgenesinapopulation.–Thegeneticmake-upofapopulation •Trait–aphysicalcharacteristic,canbeinherited Activity Ingroupsof4,1.Constructadefinition(inyourownwords)forthe followingterms:••••EvolutionNatural...
2. Darwin explained his famous ___ theory of natural selection in 1859 in his book 'On the Origin of Species'. revolutionary evolutionary evolution extraordinary 3. If babies wear too many clothes in hot weather, they are at ___ of overh...
Whatisevolution?Howhasevolutionleadtothecurrentdiversityoforganisms?Whatisanecologicalniche?Howdoesitrelatetoadaptationtochangingenvironmentalconditions?Howdoextinctionofspeciesandformationofnewspeciesaffectbiodiversity?Earth:The“Goldilocks”Planet Temperature DistancefromSunGeothermalenergyfromcoreTemperaturefluctuatedonly10-...
Fig. 1: The evolution of menopause in toothed whales. a, Chronological trimmed phylogenies of Odontocete cetaceans (derived from ref.35) showing species with lifespan data calculated by and included in this study. The phylogeny shows 1,000 overlapping alternative tree structures. The four independe...
Temporal Isolation Species mate at different times of the day or the year Mass Extinctions When many species disappeared from the Earth Provides opportunity for new species to evolve and establish themselves Mammals might not have “taken over” if the dinosaurs hadn’t gone extinct!