These recent cases may just be the latest in a longer history N aTuRe RevIeWS | MiCrObiOlOGy 0123456789();: volume 20 | May 2022 | 299 Reviews of spillover and emergence of bat coronaviruses into humans. For example, of the four endemic human corona viruses that cause 30% of mild ...
The great North American Pleistocene pantherine felid Panthera atrox has had a turbulent phylogenetic history, and has been claimed to show affinities to both the jaguar and the tiger; currently, it is most often regarded as a subspecies of the extant lion. The cranial, mandibular, and dental ...
Theoretical and empirical studies of the cultural evolution in technology have often focused on positive observational learning, i.e., copying a successful individual. However, negative observational learning, i.e., avoiding negative or bad exemplar behavior, is ubiquitous in humans and other animals....
History Distinctive 'Habsburg Jaw' Came From Centuries of Inbreeding Advertisement How Evolution Works By: Marshall Brain Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution. FPG/Taxi/Getty Images The theory of evolution is one of the best-known scientific theories around. Try to make it through...
To the animals themselves, these migrations are crucial to the survival of their species. In this article, we'll learn about the biggest, longest and most amazing animal migrations in the world, and we'll figure out why and how animals make such astonishing journeys. Migration is the large-...
Evolutionarily, the administration of public affairs -as relatedby Max Weber in his General Economic History– ceased to be in the hands of wise men and mandarins, advisers to the monarchs, to become a matter managed by jurists, who incorporated for the decision-making and its justification the...
and early Ming Dynasty. She was once known by the Ming emperor Zhu Yuanzhang as "the head of the founding of the country." the scholar called Tai Shi Gong, who was ordered to major in Yuan history, and wrote the seventy-five volume of the complete works of Song Xueshi. His prose ...
We’ve noted hereseveral times at WEITthe New York Times‘ “1619 Project”, a racialist program to rewrite American history. The notices have been largely critical, and we’ve pointed out that much of the criticism has come from theWorld Socialist Website(WSWS), an organ of the Internation...
Neither ants nor chimpanzees nor any other animals require exposure to violent media to commit acts of violence. Numerous acts of violence occurred in human history, and prehistory, long before the invention of Pac-Man and Space Invaders. This is, admittedly, a weak objection, given that the ...
health throughout history. There is a pressing need to develop better approaches to pre-empt the emergence of viral infectious diseases and mitigate their effects. As such, there is an immense interest in understanding the correlates and mechanisms of zoonotic host jumps1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,...