The endearing style and light weight body equal easy riding, while the gasolinefree, exhaust-free design is eco-friendly. With its easy to charge removable battery, the EVINO is the epitome of ease and convenience for daily use. Weight : NA...
We therefore evaluated hematopoietic potential of Evi-1 mutants using a cultivation system of murine para-aortic splanchnopleural (P-Sp) regions, and found that both the first zinc finger domain and the acidic domain were required for Evi-1-mediated hematopoiesis. The hematopoietic potential of ...
Using this assay, we examined a hematopoietic potential of a series of Evi-1 mutants and found that the first zinc finger domain and the acidic domain are required for the hematopoietic rescue of Evi-1-deficient P-Sp cells. These two domains were also related to some extent for GATA-2 up...
Haas K, Kundi M, Sperr WR, Esterbauer H, Ludwig WD, Ratei R, Koller E, Gruener H, Sauerland C, Fonatsch C, Valent P, Wieser R (2008) Expression and prognostic significance of different mRNA 5′-end variants of the oncogene EVI1 in 266 patients with de novo AML: EVI1 and MDS...