Wale Akin
“the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”. This evergreen saying popped up in my mind’s eye as I ruminated over the shocking reactions that have so far trailed the skewed outcome of the recently held 2019 General Elections in Nigeria; especially...
Grendel is portrayed as an evil monster that has only been wreaking havoc and terrorizing a kingdom for an extended amount of time because it thrives on the pain of others. Seamus states, “Malignant by nature, he never showed remorse” (Heaney 10). Grendel is made out to appear as ...
thrives off of speaking in half truths and concealing their blood soaked robes. Of course my job as preacher of an Atheist parish is to give a sermon about those things that the Bible TRUTHFULLY commands. Here they are, god’s views on the unborn, the actions of righteous men” and god...
A dispassionate observer will not fail to notice that Nature is winning and mankind is losing. We might have destroyed all the ancient forests in the world, but we are unable to do away with the forest that thrives in our minds. As a species we have lost the high moral ground. In our...
The very fact that the conditions and results of the social evil lie so far away from the knowledge of good women is largely responsible for the secrecy and hypocrisy upon which it thrives. Most good women will probably never consent to break through their ignorance save under a sense of dut...