Anderson's script for the unproduced film, "Undead", and gave it the Resident Evil title. Hired on as writer and director, Anderson replaced various names, but could not radically alter the script. This draft, therefore, serves as the midway point between Undead and the shooting script, ...
Find out more Gran Turismo Get behind the wheel of some of history's most iconic cars and test your skills on famous tracks from around the world in Polyphony Digital's acclaimed driving simulator series.
Unfocused editing of a fragmented story and misused ambience, such as the prolonged whooshing of highway cars when characters are supposed to be deep in the woods, added to the viewing friction. I liked the headspace of the story concept for “No Way Out,” where a shadowy, uncouth stalker...
That being said, for the amount of detail given to the characters, more could have been done explaining the science (fiction). Caesar didn’t seem too fazed to be ripped out of his time and pulled into the tail end of the twentieth century. Seeing cars as horseless chariots without giving...
I have discovered the Analysis of the names of these individuals is inaccurate and has been misunderstood by historians all these years. While others may have figured this out I’ve found no indication that’s the case. So for posterity, I wish to explain why I believe their analysis was ...
TWELVE enters MATT'S badge number into his computer. The holographic Schematic of Looking Glass House is replaced by the names and badge numbers of all the local police. 16 CONTINUED:(2) TWELVE (shakes his head) I�m not getting verification. ...
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Evening Post) Biblical cycle timing expert, geopolitical and financial analyst Bo Polny says the U.S. dollar is going to take a big hit this year. The printed money used for evil is coming to an end, and evil w
During the Vietnam War, US Army doctors secretly studied the effects of illicit drugs on behavior to develop life-saving treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Starbucks (high-evil) Many Starbucks customers report their names being spelled incorrectly on their takeaway beverage orders...
And in the spirit of Martin’s friend getting back in touch, I’m going to list a few people I would love to hear from again, even just a brief note. This page is indexed by Google, so if they search on their names they’ll find themselves here. If this is you, click on the ...
Horse, jockey, trainer, groomer and owner were no-names. Rich Strike was purchased for $30,000. He was racing against million-dollar thoroughbreds. Today Rich Strike is the most popular name in sports. For as long as I can remember, racing experts have said that no horse can win the ...