Gods & goddesses | Deuses & deusas 73 Series 0 Comments 10354 Views 12 Follows Feb 1, 2022 Brigtter SaintsEvil GodsGodly PowersMale ProtagonistFemale ProtagonistGod ProtagonistGoddessesGodsBeautiful Female LeadHandsome Male Lead Korean novels with gods and/or goddesses, non or protagonists... more...
Greek Mythology Greek and Roman mythology are both about Gods and Goddesses that were figures to the people to show if they are good‚ respect them they would be blessed and be able to go to heaven. People back in ancient time worshiped Gods and Goddesses; they believed that if you ...
Every culture has its dark folklore, from evil gods like Egyptian Apophis to spiteful goddesses who devour newborns. Meet five notorious gods who took pleasure in torturing mortals. Oct 11, 2020 • By Lara Colrain, BA Archaeology, BA Art HistoryThe Punishments of the Damned, a detail from...
In Hindu mythology Yanna is the god ofrndeath and justice, and in Buddhist mythology he is the fifth king of Hell whom the deceased meets after death.rn"This encyclopedia, derived from world mythologies, is a biography of the gods and goddesses, devils and demons, who inhabit the realms ...
Says site contributorDr. Gabi Greve: “The Takasago Legend 高砂伝説 is one of the oldest in Japanese mythology. An old couple -- his name is Jō 尉 and her name is Uba 媼 -- known together as Jō-to-Uba 尉と媼, are said to appear from the mist at Lake Takasago. The old man ...
ORIGIN = Fox and Tanuki Lore in Old China Japan’s Tanuki lore clearly sprang from the same page as China’s earlier fox mythology (see Table 1). Fox lore in China is ancient and voluminous, while Tanuki lore is almost non-existent. China’s vulpine lore is also complex. The ill-bodin...