Premiering out of competition, the Paris-set film revolves around Fanny (Lou de Laâge), a young woman married to an older, very successful man Jean (Melvil Poupaud). Fanny didn’t come from money and doesn’t always enjoy the company of Jean’s rich friends, but she’s made her peac...
Some of this may be due to the genesis ofEvil Does Not Exist, which doesn’t lie entirely with Hamaguchi himself. Ishibashi Eiko, his composer onDrive My Car, approached the director to create footage to accompany her live performances. Inspiration struck, and Hamaguchi’s remit expanded to d...
” to say evil does not exist would mean good does not exist also. Good must co-exist with evil to have meaning, just as light needs darkness to be seen. In the Ultimate Reality neither one truly exists; they’re both illusions. Your body doesn’t really exist...
But both views lead to a philosophical quagmire. If created beings are free to choose evil, then the entity of evil must exist. God knew all about it, but neither the angels nor humans did. The mere fact that they were innocent, that they didn't know evil existed, however, does not ...
EVIL is the bottomless, soulless and obsessive-compulsive pursuit of some pot of gold at the end of some rainbow which doesn’t exist. 邪恶是在一种不存在的幻象里对于金钱的深不见底、丧失灵魂、强迫性的追求。EVIL is 邪恶是 having a PRICE tag for your HEART and SOUL对你的心灵贴上了价格标签 ...
While individuals are capable of evil all on their own, the most difficult part of depicting realistic evil is that it often doesn’t come from any one person. Instead, evil can be the result of huge systems built up over a long time. Consider the British Empire, one of the most powe...
Evil is the unquenchable, obsessive and moral bending desire for more 邪恶是上瘾的道德扭曲的欲望 Evil is the bottomless, soulless and obsessive-compulsive pursuit of some pot of gold 是强迫自己无休止地觊觎 at the end of some rainbow which doesn’t exist 那些并不存在的梦幻 Evi 2回复赞 假面...
Evil Dead Rise: Directed by Lee Cronin. With Mirabai Pease, Richard Crouchley, Anna-Maree Thomas, Lily Sullivan. A twisted tale of two estranged sisters whose reunion is cut short by the rise of flesh-possessing demons, thrusting them into a primal battl
She screams in grief at the Djinn, angrily wishing for a world free of evil. But the Djinn reminds her that evil is but half of a perfect sphere-- without it, good cannot exist. He warns her that he is losing his patience with her. Morgana tries desperately to resist the Djinn's ...