The Evil Dead: Directed by Sam Raimi. With Bruce Campbell, Ellen Sandweiss, Richard DeManincor, Betsy Baker. Five friends travel to a cabin in the woods, where they unknowingly release flesh-possessing demons.
The Evil Dead: Directed by Sam Raimi. With Bruce Campbell, Ellen Sandweiss, Richard DeManincor, Betsy Baker. Five friends travel to a cabin in the woods, where they unknowingly release flesh-possessing demons.
may lie dormant but are never truly dead. 他们通过这书上的咒语出现 They may be recalled to active life 可以重新唤起他妈的生活 through the incantations presented in this book. 通过朗读这些咒语又可以 It is through recitation of these passages 给魔鬼生命...并占有生活 that the demons are given ...
《鬼玩人》/ The Evil Dead (1981) 恐怖片《鬼玩人》讲述艾什、雪莉等五个年轻人相约一起自驾游,预订了一座坐落于深山里房子作为野外落脚点。他们翻山越岭终于找到了这间小木屋。晚上,他们发现了这间屋子主人留下来的一本封面吓人的古怪的书和一部老式录音机。屋子主人在录音留言里说他在研究远古流传的丧礼和一些...
鬼玩人 (The Evil Dead)1981Hey, Ash. Where are we?Well, we just crossed the Tennessee border.- Which would put us... - Yeah?Which would put us...Right...Here!Turn!What the hell was that? Are you trying to kill us?Don’t blame me! It’s your steering wheel!Damn thing jerked...
The Evil Dead《鬼玩人(1981)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx,?I sent you 20 letters from Paris last year? ?Well, youve been gone six months? ?And I got the fear? ?After all the songs that weve sung together? ?After all the sweet and all the stormy...? ?If I kn
鬼玩人(1981)系列以其惊人的想象力和独特的恶趣味深受恐怖片爱好者的喜爱。导演Sam Raimi的创作热情和对恐怖元素的玩味,让每一帧都充满了令人屏息的刺激。影片的设定和风格对后来的作品如《林中小屋》产生了深远影响,让人在重温时倍感亲切。电影拍摄地点的荒废小屋不仅是故事的发生地,更是一个真实的恶梦...
Home 27 of 328 The Evil Dead (1981) The Evil Dead (1981) TitlesThe Evil Dead © The original title card for the first made trailer of the movie.Back to top