In the sessions I attended I didn’t hear much on policymaking, either, despite much talk about governance and impact. There was a huge amount of discussion around blockchain and AI in these realms, as well as the obvious discussions around global finance an...
Governments in the region need policies to promote equal enjoyment by men and women of human rights, including the right to reap economic and social benefits. Despite the current gender gap in Latin America and the Caribbean, there has been significant progress in the region. Women have increased...
In doing so, we also point towards some of the inherent challenges of pollution-related public policymaking that are similar to non-radon pollution and applicable in non-Irish contexts in other parts of the world. We have arranged the remainder of this paper in six sections. The next section...
In the meantime, the limitations of the present LCA, assessing the end-of-life impacts of mismanaged plastics [19] and the lack of life cycle inventory (LCI) data, especially in developing countries, hinder the application of LCA to evidence-based policymaking. At present, the capability of ...
Informed policymaking necessitates scientific evidence, regardless of system complexity, be it socio-political state priorities during the ongoing novel coronavirus pandemic, funding agency mandates, research strategy development of graduate students, or any other real-world problem. While identifying possible...
Healthcare from the Perspectives of Patients, Actors, and System Users2nd Edition: Pregnancy and Perinatal HealthA Multi-Perspective Study on the Psychological Health of Children and AdolescentsAccess to Healthcare for Vulnerable and Minority Populations: A Global PerspectiveActive Brain and Body with Li...
However, at their intersection, there is often an inherent tension between scientists who tend to pursue objectivity and the elimination of bias and the process of policymaking. The latter requires consideration of objective information (guided by science) and subjective value judgements (such as the...
Prompted by rising concern about weak consumer switching and the practice of price discrimination, over the period of 2016–2019, the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem) undertook a series of trials on communication-based interventions to encou