循证护理(Evidence-based Nursing)又称实证护理或遵循证据的护理,是循证医学的一个分支。其定义为慎重、准确和明智地 … www.39kf.com|基于135个网页 2. 循证护理学 外文数据库=兰州大学图书馆 ... Evidence-Based Mental Health 循证精神健康Evidence-Based Nursing循证护理学Gut 胃肠病 ... ...
2024Evidence-Based Nursing doi:10.1136/ebnurs-2024-104074pmid:39643286 journal article Download Only Collection Mothers who undergo emergency caesarean section really experience grief Khoori, Elham;Vakili, Fatemeh;Hamzehgardeshi, Zeinab 2024Evidence-Based Nursing ...
循证护理(evidence-based nursing) 考试资料网 2023-04-18 · 百度认证:赞题库官方帐号 考试资料网 向TA提问 展开全部 【答案】:就是循证医学在护理上的应用。即以最有价值的、真实的、可信的研究结果为证据,在护理过程中谨慎、准确地结合专业技能和临床护理经验加以应用,达到对每个患者实施最佳护理的目的。
Evidence-Based Nursing: The Research-Practice Connection, Third Edition introduces students to research methods and evidence-based practice (EBP). Written in an accessible style, the content moves readers through understanding how research is produced to appraisal at the critical thinking level. Timely ...
Evidence-Based Nursing is co-owned by RCNi and BMJ. Editor-in-Chief: Dr Alison Twycross, University of Birmingham, UK Editorial team EBN welcomes new critical voices. To find out more about writing for us please see here. Listen to our podcast for interviews and insight from nurse researcher...
EVIDENCE-based nursingNURSINGNURSING -- Decision makingDIAGNOSISPROGNOSISNURSESThe article informs that Evidence-Based Nursing (EBN) is a quarterly journal currently in its seventh year of publication with the BMJ Publishing Group and the Royal College of Nursing Publishing Company. This evidence-based ...
1.Practice and explore of evidence-based nursing in nursing specialty teaching;循证护理在护理专业教学中实践探索 2.Application of evidence-based nursing to prevent respiratory infection for patients after accepting trachea cannula under general anesthesia;循证护理在预防气管插管全身麻醉术后呼吸道感染病人中...
Evidence-Based Nursing 成人加護病房氣管內插管病人使用 成人加護病房氣管內插管病人使用 氣管內插管病人 鎮靜劑是否可降低氣管內管自拔率急護組 楊素月 何雲仙 黃錦鳳 張青蕙 陳明圓 彭慧卿 洪香蓮 姜瑤娟 孫建萍 黃馨慧 張美琪 報告大綱前言 背景描述 實證護理動機及目的 實證護理五大步驟 結論與討論 未來護理...
Evidence-Based Nursing systematically searches a wide range of international healthcare journals applying strict criteria for the validity of research and relevance to best nursing practice. Content is critically appraised and the most relevant articles are summarised into succinct expert commentaries, focusi...