Our proposed map will aim to outline the evidence currently existing for the impacts of climate change on the physiology and behaviour of important aquaculture crustacean species within Asia. We will document peer-reviewed articles in English using published journal articles and grey literature. Two ...
Glaciers as recorders of climate change; Evidence for climatological uniformity and amplification at high elevations in the tropics; Evidence for recent acceleration of the rate of ice loss; Evidence for abrupt climate change during periods of warmth (Holocene) i.e., 5.0 - 5.5 years BP. 会议名称...
Climate Change Weekly #420 ON TORNADOS AND EXTREME WEATHER, BIDEN IS WRONG (AGAIN)December 17, 2021 In "Climate News" Discover more from Watts Up With That? Subscribe to get the latest posts sent to your email. Type your email… Subscribe Post...
A substantial body of literature exists on climate change impacts in Pakistan, especially in terms of food security (Gorst et al. 2018; Tariq et al. 2014; Asif 2013; Rasul et al. 2011; Siddiqui et al. 2012; Ahmed and Schmit 2011). These studies show that climate impacts in ...
In that case, warming would be the ‘effect’, rather than the ’cause’. And as we shall see, this can give the illusion of positive feedback — even when negative feedback really exists. For instance, if the Earth warms by 1 deg C and our satellites measure only 1 watt per square...
It is evident that although there exists a slight change in significance levels, the obtained highlights are solid, revealing the emission reduction effect of HSR again. Table 8 The other robustness checks. Full size table Instrumental variable method Considering that the selection of cities for the...
While we need to attend to foreground crises like floods, fire, and famine, we also need to pay attention to the background crises that precipitate them—for many, the background crisis is already the foreground of their lives. To give an example, with climate change, the potential long-...
There is much uncertainty about the effects of anthropogenic climate change on the frequency and severity of extreme weather events like hailstorms, and subsequent economic losses, while this is also relevant information for the design of climate policy. Few studies conducted indicate that a strong ...
However, clear evidence exists that treatment for anxiety is beneficial, and more limited evidence indicates that some anxiety screening instruments have acceptable accuracy to detect generalized anxiety disorder. Anxiety symptoms are relatively common among US adults. The 2019 National Household Interview ...
Significantly less historical information describing precipitation conditions in Poland has been collected in comparison with that describing air temperature. In the period from 1501 to 1840, wet winters dominated mainly in the periods 1501–1550 and 1701–1750. Very little information exists for dry ...