3. Benvolio suggest Romeo to attend the party at Capulets, maybe Romeo will meet Rosaline or other girls there and cheer up 4.Capulet tells Paris that he will have to make Juliet fall in love with him in order to marry him. 'But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart. My will to ...
罗密欧请求劳伦斯神父为他们举行秘密婚礼,好心的神父很乐意成全他们这段美好的恋情,并希望他们的结合可以使两家尽释前嫌 Mongolian antique family's son Romeo and Kime Wright family's daughter Juliet falls in love in a banquet.They produce very much for this section under the hatred suppression sentimental...
and some not till the folio of 1623. AComedy of Errorswas acted near the close of 1594. The Greene reference quotes a line ofHenry VI—not a Meres play. Several,Romeo and Juliet, Richard II, Richard III,were printed in 1597;Love’s Labour’s Lost(...