(NICE) in the UK to work on the challenge worldwide; The good news and bad news of getting new medicine into clinical practice; US groups that have similar roles to that of NICE; Definition of evidence-based public health; The complexities of public health interventions and policies; Shared...
Public health approaches still have room for individualized services: response to commentaries on 'Evidence-based pathways to intervention for children with language disorders'. Well, the speech-language therapist comes to talk to us occasionally, but they don't help children anymore. (head teacher ...
The definition is broad enough to encompass the view that withholding of treatment perceived to be beneficial should be seen as a question of rationing. One of the basic assumptions in … 展开 关键词: Health Care and Public Health DOI: 10.1136/bmj.319.7222.1426 被引量: 158 ...
Market-based interventions represented 13% of total interventions, of which two-thirds were taxes. Administrative interventions were rare (< 1%). Proxies for environmental impact (85%) were more frequent outcome measures than direct impacts (15%). Animal-source food consumption was commonly used ...
Since wellbeing is a subjective term for individuals and communities, the visions were often based on a local understanding or definition. The desire to create an agreed community vision was undercut by concerns that many initiatives developed a vision based on influential, generally upper middle-...
Loneliness—the subjective experience of social disconnection—is now widely regarded as a health risk factor. However, whether the associations between loneliness and multiple diseases are consistent with causal effects remains largely unexplored. Here
Environmental pollution and energy poverty have always been serious challenges for the global energy system. Based on the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2005 to 2020, this paper uses FE and sys-GMM models to explore the impact of environmental
Kernel Definition, Derivation, and Examples We designate as evidence-basedkernelsany indivisible procedure shown through experimental evaluation to produce reliable effects on behavior (Embry2004). The derivation of the term “kernels” arose in Embry’s (2004) paper describing the active ingredients in...
In the context of this study, we used the broad definition of environment and health of the World Health Organisation adopted by the European Environment and Health Strategy (European Commission, 2003), defining “environment and health” as including both the direct pathological effects of chemicals...
Based on a central registry of electronic health records (the Andalusian Population Health Database, BPS), prescription of vitamin D or its metabolites within 15–30 days before hospitalization were recorded. The effect of prescription of vitamin D (metabolites) for other indication previous to the...