The nNNPDF3.0 dataset includes all the measurements that were part of nNNPDF2.0. These are the neutral-current (NC) isoscalar nuclear fixed-target deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) structure function ratios measured, for a range of nuclei, by the NMC [34,35,36,37], EMC [38,39,40,41], ...
The intervention in both the US and Australia deployed well-known local general practice physician leaders, asthma specialists, and behavioural scientists as facilitators at intervention sites. Leaders were chosen based on their background, reputation in the community, and engagement with an organisation...
In practice, the inclusion of LHCb D-meson data in nNNPDF3.0 is found to have only a moderate impact on these predictions. This is because the nuclear corrections for the PDFs of low mass nuclei (i.e. A = 16, 31) at small-x values are found to be small, combined with the fact ...
Keywords: Good Agricultural Practice; mango; orchid; Thailand; income impacts; Heckman model; Propensity Score Matching 1. Introduction The demand for fresh horticultural products is continually rising, both in domestic and international markets [1]. Consumers from industrialized countries, such as some...