Abbreviations EBN1: Evidence based nursing 1; EBP: Evidence based practice; EBPB: Evidence based practice beliefs scale; EBPI: Evidence based practice implementation scale; NMC: Nursing and midwifery council; PICO: P = patient / problem, I = intervention, C = comparator, O = outcome; UK: ...
Birthing has become primarily hospital-based; safe anesthetic techniques are in widespread use; synthetic oxytocin and electronic fetal heart rate monitoring are employed in most labors; and rates of cesarean delivery and labor induction have risen. The virtues of these shifts in practice patterns are...
Records identified from the database searches were collated and uploaded to Covidence—a web-based collaboration software platform that streamlines the production of systematic and other literature reviews [32]. After removing any duplicates, four reviewers (SJ, ART, AAG, SRP) screened titles and ab...
Definition Data Sources Dependent variables Housing demand = Housing stock/(ownership ratio*number of household) The data of ownership ratio and number of households from 1982 to 1993 was calculated by authors following the related definition based on Survey of Family Income and Expenditure, and data...
sustainability Article Is Bicycle Sharing an Environmental Practice? Evidence from a Life Cycle Assessment Based on Behavioral Surveys Fanying Zheng 1,2, Fu Gu 1,2,3,* , Wujie Zhang 1,2 and Jianfeng Guo 4,5 1 State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, Zhejiang University,...
The use of another definition can put a new perspective on the performance of a chain. Especially the Italian local CSH case demonstrates that resource use efficiency per unit of added value at farm-level may result in completely different and much more positive outcomes than a comparison based ...