Oka. 2006 Multicultural Issues in Evidence-Based Interventions. Journal of Applied School Psychology 22(2): 127–149.Ingraham, C. L., & Oka, E. R. (2006). Multicultural issues in evidence-based inter- vention. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 22, 127-149....
This article examines the use of the concept of "evidence" in the current movement known as "Evidence-Based Medicine" (EBM). The article includes some historical milestones of the concept, in which Aristotle, Andr & eacute; Lalande and Michel Foucault are the main references. Then, the proces...
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a method of problem solving which involves identifying the clinical problem, searching the literature, evaluating the research evidence and deciding on the intervention. The best evidence is thought to be that obtained from controlled experimental work, and the least ...
Evidence-Based Design and Research-Informed Design: What's the Difference? Conceptual Definitions and Comparative Analysis Objective: This article provides critical examination and comparison of the conceptual meaning and underlying assumptions of the concepts evidence-based de......
Standardized nursing terminology setsYear initially recognizedNursing problemsNursing outcomesNursing interventionsPopulation focus NANDA-I+ 1992 X Comprehensive NOC+ 1997 X Comprehensive NIC+ 1992 X Comprehensive ICNP 2000 X X X Comprehensive OMAHA System 1992 X X X Home care/community based CCC/HHCC*...
Perhaps the most widely studied topic during the pandemic was public health messaging. This was clearly anticipated by Van Bavel et al. as 9 of the 19 claims explicitly discussed the role of messaging and language in developing effective public health interventions. Not surprisingly, this also prod...
interventions [11]. Unlike individual-level risk factors that directly influence HIV transmission, structural determinants influence HIV risks through multiple intervening mechanisms [2,17]. Given the importance of structural determinants, a new generation of evidence-based mathematical models is needed to...
We next engineered a multivariate classification pipeline to test whether the 12 tasks could be accurately identified based on the patterns of BOLD activation (BA) that each task evoked using voxel-wise activity from each of the three ROI sets. To eschew the over-fit problem, for each ROI set...
Gender-based analysis project a stronger association between SES and happiness for women, community solidarity and happiness for men and trust and happiness for men. There was no significant gender difference in the association between locus of control and happiness. Previous studies have also highlight...
There is thus a strong argument for using an integrated therapeutic-behavioural approach [23] to develop interventions aimed at increasing children's participation. This approach provides an interdisciplinary, evidence-based conceptual framework for identifying potential predictors of children's participation,...