EVGA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER XC ULTRA GAMING, 08G-P4-3173-KR, 8GB GDDR6, Dual HDB Fans, RGB LED, Metal Backplate (486)(14) Write a Review Real Boost Clock: 1800 MHz; Memory Detail: 8192MB GDDR6. Real-Time RAY TRACING in games for cutting-edge, hyper-realistic graphics. Dual ...
The price per performance on this card is much higher than the original 2070, IMHO. Cant go wrong with EVGA. Dont forget to register it on their website! You can use their 30 day step-up program, get a better card for the price difference, if you deem necessary. EVGA makes super hig...
显卡芯片:GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER 核心代号:TU104-410 核心频率:1770MHz CUDA核心:2560个 显存类型:GDDR6 制作工艺:12纳米 查看详细参数>> 产品简介:EVGA GeForce RTX 2070 Super Black GAMING,芯片厂商 NVIDIA,显卡芯片 GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER,显示芯片系列 NVIDIA RTX SUPER系列,制作工艺 12纳米。
2070super公..机箱是六水家的acat x1,显卡厚度限制48mm,本来准备上丐帮之心2070s,还得老款马甲上不带灯的才是46mm,新款是51mm。在折腾cpu散热时发现Is60更换25mm厚扇离侧板1mm风切声太
The EVGA GeForce RTX 2070 Super KO is a highly cost-efficient custom-design variant. This dual-slot, dual-fan card comes in at $499, so there is no price increase over NVIDIA MSRP. EVGA's cooler is solid, achieving good temperatures, and idle fan-stop is
EVGA RTX 2070 Super XC 至于价格,EVGA RTX 2060 Super XC Ultra售价499.99美元(约3420元),RTX 2070 Super XC售价599.99美元(约4100元)。 值得一提的是,该售价是EVGA非公版售价,并非纯公版售价,就目前我们掌握的消息,RTX 2060 SUPER和RTX 2070 SUPER分别为399.99美元(约2735元)和499.99美元(约3418元),比各...
EVGA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER XC Ultra GAMING EVGA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER XC Ultra GAMING是一款NVIDIA系列的显卡。重要参数 核心频率:1800MHz 显存频率:14000MHz 显存位宽:256bit 详细参数 参考资料
The price per performance on this card is much higher than the original 2070, IMHO. Cant go wrong with EVGA. Dont forget to register it on their website! You can use their 30 day step-up program, get a better card for the price difference, if you deem necessary. EVGA makes super hig...