Many people will disagree with everything I’ve said. And that’s ok. That’s why I do my own prep. And it works for me. I’ve worked with enough eating disorder clients to understand the tendencies and the mindset. I also know my own personal experience, I know what I’ve learned...
Whenever you are aware of self-criticism, here are some positive affirmations to repeat that will bring you back to who you really are. The list is endless, but of course, I had to stop somewhere. At the beginning of each statement, always use these two significant words: “I am.” An...
starting this week, I will be back in the kitchen supervising everything whilst keeping Noah in the adjacent room downstairs that currently works as a storage room, so I can make sure our staff are consistent with the meals that get served. ...
Real Power: Maxingout On God's Love God is love and works by love. The power and presence of God in my life is love. Every time I see love, I see God's hand at work. Every time I feel love, I experience God's presence and power. When my mind is full of thoughts consistent ...
There’s this guy who works at my neighborhood store, nice looking. He reminds me of my male BFF Rodney. I see him quite often. As I was walking out of the store, yesterday he stopped me and told me.. how pretty I was and how attracted he was to me from the first time we met...
What if you could live a normal life while missing 90% of your brain? This man doing just that challenges everything we thought we knew about consciousness.
For instance, the author’s wife plays tennis every Thursday, and since people expect her to show up, she can’t just bail. Meanwhile, Adams works out at 12:40 on Tuesdays, which, for him, is the perfect time. Now, in the author’s view, people are a bit like dogs – they striv...
It’s simple and it fucking works! 10 movements split up into 2 days Every single thing about the program is geared towards maximizing muscle fiber recruitment in ways that Sonny 0 Read More 05 Jun 2019 You know you’ve got something special when you’re willing to go BEOWULF I have...
CONNER:Yeah. That’s…. That’s true. But one of the things that Billy and I set out to achieve when MicroSatan got its start was a growing community. MicroSatan works heavily with people who are not regularly in our writer’s room. We get to test the waters with new contributors in...