尽管此书水平不错,但是单就一次 Bestseller 并不能代表作者就真的在美国文坛占有地位了,我们拿之前The Martian(每周读书 七十一 Andy Weir《The Martian》)在 GoodReads 上的数据对比,The Martian有 176,258 ratings,28,212 reviews 而Everything I Never Told You只有 55,435 ratings,6,812 reviews(截至9/3/20...
Everything I Never Told You的书评。一点儿都不好看!这家的爸爸妈妈简直奇葩死了,生生地把本来半死不活的温水般的生活过得像人间地狱一样。这三个孩子投胎到他们家一定是上辈子犯了天条之类的。 这个妈妈,明明自己主动放弃了学业,却抱怨社会对...
Everything I Never Told You的书评。 身为一个在美留学的中国人,我很庆幸自己生活的时代,先不说两千万中国留学生,至少有很多美国收养的中国人长着一张亚洲人的脸。那个年代,中国人也是蛮拼的。别的没管,就因为一句不要学费,二话不说就移民美...
这是第一代移民和第二代移民之间无法避免的文化冲突,因为生活在加拿大,我更能体会到那种如钟摆一般在东方与西方间游离和徘徊的困惑和失落,这永远都是一道文化的难题。 原本对Everything I Never Told You(CelesteNg)这本书,我预想看到的是和《喜福会》类似的故事,而作者却给了我大大的惊喜——她不仅刻画了文化的...
Everything I Never Told You的书评。Story opens with the death of Lydia, the beloved young girl in the miscegenational. She's so smart and beautiful that no one believes she would commit suicide. Along with the investigation of her d...
positivereview in a BC literary journal(which refers to Waldo as a childhood pet; he’s definitely not) there’s very little to go on. There are ten reviews on Goodreads, one of which is mine. This probably says more about the state of review culture than the book, but I was sorely...
Goodreads Website Facebook Twitter . Judy Leigh is the bestselling author ofFive French Hens, A Grand Old Time,andThe Age of Misadventure,and the doyenne of the ‘it’s never too late’ genre of women’s fiction. She has lived all over the UK from Liverpool to Cornwall, but currently ...
Goodreads Monday 12/9/24 Goodreads Monday was hosted byLauren’s Page Turners.It’s now hosted byBudget Tales Book Blog. All you have to do is show off a book from your TBR that you’re looking forward to reading. It’s getting hard to remember which ones I’ve done already, so I...
The Music Was Just Getting Good is Alicia Cook’s fourth and final installation in her mixtape series. She does seem to have her devotees; her books average around 3.9 stars on Goodreads, based on 600 to 5300+ reviews. Those who like her style, will like her style. This last book come...
But one thing that can be fun is going through all the books you have. Ones that you love, hate and sadly have never read. This is my #tbt post looking back to the first YA books that I feel in love with. What are some of your first reads that you loved and couldn’t put ...