Few things in life are certain besides death, taxes, and maybe the never-ending task that is doing laundry. At least that’s where the characters in writer/directorsDaniel KwanandDaniel Scheinert, collectively known as Daniels, new film “Everything Everywhere All at Once” find themselves initi...
Everything Everywhere All at Once The Wild Robot gets a streaming release date at Peacock 1/4/2025 by Steve Seigh JoBlo.com Rumor: Characters From Skeleton Crew To Appear In Dave Filoni's Star Wars Movie 1/3/2025 ComicBookMovie.com ...
Everything Everywhere All at Once: Directed by Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert. With Michelle Yeoh, Stephanie Hsu, Ke Huy Quan, James Hong. A middle-aged Chinese immigrant is swept up into an insane adventure in which she alone can save existence by explor
Again, there is a solid emotional core toEverything Everywhere All at Once(heightened by a powerfully swelling score from Son Lux) that grows in personal and universal stakes. Evelyn is summoned into action for more than saving a dying laundromat. There are glimpses at lives lived alongside wh...
“Everything Everywhere All at Once” allows Yeoh to revisit the best kind of roles she’s ever had, shine in the kind of roles she was never given, and dive head-first into the kind of roles that have always seemed beneath her; first one after the other, and then later all at the...
At the exact momentEverything Everywhere All At Onceis about to kick into overdrive,Michelle Yeoh’s Evelyn reads a vital piece of advice: “P.S. Don’t forget to breathe.” Really, it’s a missive to the audience — a necessary heads-up to, in the words ofJurassic Park’s Mr...
奥斯卡2023年获奖影片《瞬息全宇宙》英文名是“Everything Everywhere All at Once”,意为:所有事物所有地点终归于一。我好奇的是,万事万物为什么以及如何终归于一?电影《瞬息全宇宙》官方海报平行宇宙影片的卖点之一无疑是平行宇宙理论,这个来自量子力学的高大上概念被编导用来贯穿全剧,增加了它对年轻观众的吸引...
Much of the joy ofEverything Everywhere All at Oncelies in the sheer inventiveness with which Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert organize their gonzo ideas into a cohesive whole. Throughout the film’s nearly two-and-a-half-hour running time, the directing duo known as Daniels put their down-...
在發行全西語二輯後,Kali這次帶來的是游離出前者且玩轉Philly soul痕跡、Sade式清幽和80年代合成器幻想氣息的音樂,都屬黑人音樂裡臻品級別的元素,並用一個不是取自聖經也沒有任何典故的標題來立下基調,不管什麼時候想起來它都是那麼俗不可耐,不符合樂評人拿來大做文章的條件,而歌者和製作人做到了很好地把各種散...