collectively known as Daniels, new film “Everything Everywhere All at Once” find themselves initially. That is, until they take an emotional, philosophical, and deeply weird trip through
Everything Everywhere All at Once《天马行空》又名《瞬息全宇宙》——反映美国华人家庭的焦虑与爱的过山车影片火爆北美 这篇影评可能有剧透 “这是2022年迄今为止的最佳影品,新人,新媒体,新节奏,奇幻无比,创新的类型混合” “集漂亮的武打,喜剧,科幻,MTV,家庭爱剧,惊险,奇幻,荒诞为一体的天才作品” “极多主...
What better, more urgent message can a film have these days? What's so uncool about movies with messages anyways? Sometimes we desperately need them. I read a couple of reviews lightly mocking any attempt to find deeper meaning amid all the silliness, as if there wasn't enough already on...
“Everything Everywhere All at Once” allows Yeoh to revisit the best kind of roles she’s ever had, shine in the kind of roles she was never given, and dive head-first into the kind of roles that have always seemed beneath her; first one after the other, and then later all at the...
Review by Brennen Provine Patron Everything Everywhere All at Once 2022 ★★★½ Watched Dec 03, 2024 Brennen Provine’s review published on Letterboxd: “The bagel will show you the true nature of things. You’ll be free.”- Jobu Tupaki Total batshit movie and I love every second...
In that way,Everything Everywhere All at Once’s multiverse isn’t just used as an excuse for the Daniels to bring every idea they’ve ever had to life in the same film. Instead, Evelyn’s exposure to the multiverse gives her the necessary shove she needs in order to move beyo...
multiverse with as much delirious energy and imagination asEverything Everywhere All at Once. Consider yourself warned that the film will be discussed in detail in this review. The writer-director team known as Daniels, comprised of collaborators Dan Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, deliver an ambitious ...
At the exact momentEverything Everywhere All At Onceis about to kick into overdrive,Michelle Yeoh’s Evelyn reads a vital piece of advice: “P.S. Don’t forget to breathe.” Really, it’s a missive to the audience — a necessary heads-up to, in the words ofJurassic Park’s Mr...
Variety Film + TV “This movie is… anti-god”: Brad Pitt and Edward Norton Together Showed No Mercy After Insulting Criticism For Fight Club 1/9/2025 by Maria Sultan FandomWire “One of the most boring parts of my job”: 2nd Greatest Bruce Willis Action Franchise After Die Hard Never Ge...
a lack of originality in Hollywood,Everything Everywhere All at Onceis the bat-shit crazy answer the world’s been waiting for. See it as soon as possible in movie theaters. This is a film that demands to be seen with asses in seats, and everyone deserves a cinematic experience like ...