Plot summary: A universe-jumping laundromat manager takes on the mission of ridding all possible universes of the ultimate evil, which has taken possession of her twenty-something daughter. Along the way she finishes her taxes and saves her marriage. Everything Everywhere All at Onc...
Clan Hi all, Daily player look to join a clan and make new friends ID: 3924423670918776 0 0 LOAD MORE Welcome to the community! Knights and Brides Wiki is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share and add your knowledge! Guidelines Help us grow Knights and Brides Wik...
Silversleeves had only gone three miles from the castle gates when he wished he hadn’t. The sun had been out when he left that June morning, but now it was raining hard. As the lush meadows all around roared with the din of falling water, and the raindrops gathered on the end of h...
seemingly pointless story that is named after the holy grail of all theories (one that would unity all physical laws), but because of the execution of it. Ayreon's new album is nothing short of breath-taking at points, and for those that don't care about story, I could see it topping...
To the relief of parents everywhere, hoping not to be asked for a dog or a cat, the pet rock became a wildly popular toy in 1975. The pet rock required very little in the way of upkeep and even less in maintenance costs. [Pictured: A 1975 Pet Rock.] 1974: 'Black Christmas' revolu...
you might need some tips for traveling around. While subways are still very prominent in Brooklyn, they don’t necessarily go everywhere like they do in Manhattan. You might considerchartering a bus in NYCthat can take you all over the city, including Brooklyn. Furthermore there aresightseeing...
Anyway, I’m sure you all have better things to do, so get back to doing it. Until next time……. have a great Hump Day! Rate this: 2 Votes Share this post everywhere! Facebook Pinterest Twitter Email Print LinkedIn Reddit Like Loading... Leave a comment Posted in T.S.O.T.S....
Trailer park superviser, every sentences involves swearing and cursing, selling drugs at high school, gun fights that most end with the funniest character of the show (Ricky) and out smarting cops all the time, Jail, and many more *** that usually goes on everywhere all put into one show...
There is a lot of work to be done everywhere, and we can only start where we are and move forward. I was in college in the Sixties and there were many race riots, police brutality, and injustices. That was 55 years ago. I naively thought those days were over. I have seen lots ...
To the relief of parents everywhere, hoping not to be asked for a dog or a cat, the pet rock became a wildly popular toy in 1975. The pet rock required very little in the way of upkeep and even less in maintenance costs. [Pictured: A 1975 Pet Rock.] 1974: 'Black Christmas' revolu...