That day, the supermarket can be as crowded as a department store at Christmas. And this Easter, on top of my regular checklist, I had to buy the ingredient(原料) for a delicious, new recipe I’d discovered: sliced ham and turkey layered with Swiss cheese and cabbage, all wrapped in ...
Church was canceled on Sunday but our roads were relatively clear by then, so we headed instead to our very favorite pottery place in a nearby town, where we have gone every Christmas season since before Phoebe was born. They have an open house the second weekend of December usually, and ...
The wonderful Christmas Countdown: 5 Hello everyone, well at least, 2% of people who bother with me. today I bring you the 5th, that means we're almost close to Christmas and I gonna get on with it. This takes place in the Christmas Countdown, Christmas Countdown 22, and they encount...
It’s rather amusing to me that in the UK the term originated from the police and support services having to plan for the annual drink and disorderly binge before Christmas, codenamed “Black Friday”. Yet now the panic is with the businesses running the sales and thier ability to cope wit...
Sermon for Christmas December 24, 2022 theelvesareheadingwestLeave a comment ‘In Him was Life, and that Life was the Light of all people’ In the beginning when God began his creation of the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the dee...
this is Ryan’searly Christmas present. Most of us will eventually come around to pardon and appreciate what’s arguably the most prolific songwriter of his generation for speeding up “Atlantic City“, chopping and screwing “Johnny 99“, or going full analogue live take on the final three ...
I ordered these to put a bunch of games in that I bought my 3 kids for Christmas. Santa was broke this year so had to buy used games but a lot of the deals I found didn't come with cases. I needed 9 cases and ordered this hoping they would work. They are the exact same as ...
I needed to get some money so, after Christmas, I took a job in the clothes department at Graham’s for the first fortnight of the January sale. I can’t say that I enjoyed it, but it wwas an experience I’ll never forget.
This means that whether you want to buy a new coat or a new toy for your child’s birthday or Christmas, you can easily save money. And no,price comparison appsaren’t the only kind of apps to save money. These apps help you to save money in a number of ways, such as by offerin...
Other than the medieval Old Town and Raekoja Plats which is the old square in the area (by the way, this square transforms into the most beautiful Christmas markets during Christmas. So if you’re looking at visiting Tallinn around the festive seasons, don’t miss it!), there are a few...