所属公司 总部地点美国奥兰多市 品牌故事 Everything But Water是专卖泳装、沙滩装及配件的连锁品牌,创立于1984年,总部位于美国奥兰多市,一年四季出售紧跟潮流及设计师合作款高档泳装,如今已有上百家连锁店。为庆祝品牌创立30周年,一向同时尚设计师关系良好的Everything But Water请到30位顶级设计师,以30个历史上女神穿...
Brown, Rachel
Everything But Water是专卖泳装、沙滩装及配件的连锁品牌,创立于1984年,总部位于美国奥兰多市,一年四季出售紧跟潮流及设计师合作款高档泳装,如今已有上百家连锁店。为庆祝品牌创立30周年,一向同时尚设计师关系良好的Everything But Water请到30位*级设计师,以30个历史上女神穿着泳装留下的经典影像为灵感组成一个系列...
▼加利福尼亚店面设计 ▼新泽西店面设计 ▼纽约店面设计
Everything But Water, one of the country's largest specialty swim chains, has been acquired by Bear Growth Capital Partners, a division of Bear Stearns Merchant Banking.
Everything in our body needs water to work! But sadly, not everyone has access to clean drinking water. In the US, for example, a lot of people living in the countryside get their water from wells and springs-and it can have bacteria in it. If you drink water with bacteria in it, ...
Koi Fish Are 'Living Jewels' of the Water Garden Jan. 6 By Zach Taras, Michelle Konstantinovsky Spinosaurus Was a Good Floater but Lousy Swimmer Jan. 6 By Talon Homer, Mark Mancini How Long Can a Person Safely Hang Upside Down? Dec. 6 By Jesslyn Shields The Bearded Dragon Cuddles ...
“I can only hope so,” I said. “But what about me? I’m the one without a sword!”“Well,” Jalim said. “We can have you use magical divine words of power.”“Wait a minute, brother dear,” Sierra stopped Jalim for a second. “Give him your wand.” ...
willing to come back regularly. The integration of 4K has become popular in television sets so to find this in a website online is a huge deal. While watching videos you feel like you are in the moment, every piece of water or human interaction is capture in a glorious high definition ...
Trader Joe’s has a new cracker that tastes EXACTLY like those famous Cheez-Its, but BTTER yet, these treats are GLUTEN-FREE & VEGAN! When I found these last week, I IMMEDIATELY snagged a box, and since then I have been HOOKED! They are by far the closest Cheez-IT dupe that are ...