Synopsis: Two men reaching middle age with not much to show but disappointment embark on a week-long road trip through California’s wine country just as one is about to take a trip down the aisle. Eventual Oscar winner:“Million Dollar Baby” (Warner Bros) Notable facts and superlatives fr...
Right now, I am taking some time to rearrange my African violets (I have about 40 of them) in my house. I will find a spot where I could hang these Braid & Wood plant decorative designs and display my flowering plants. What I like about these shelves is that I can switch my floweri...
Of course there are many other things to say about these films that are not purely about the disaster bisexuality of it all – about rage and families and vengeance and kinks – but it is telling that all of these disaster bisexual films rather unusually mix up genres of comedy/romance wit...
Our gamescom event was hosted by Ned Luke (Michael De Santa, GTA5) and Alex McKenna (Sadie Adler, Red Dead Redemption 2). Read on to find out more about the Future Games Show at gamescom, which was broadcast at 1pm PT, 4pm ET and 10pm CEST on Wednesday Aug 21. Visit the Future...
As you might be able to tell, there’s a lot going on inThe Buddha On Lightning Peak.On one level it can be read as a young adult environmental thriller about an activist taking on a suspiciously powerful mining company, but that ignores both the scope of the plot and the other aspects...
I suppose Kelly makes for a bit more of a chance for Pumps to do something on the bottom line than last year but I don’t expect much. Life is about lowered sexpectations for late first round picks. And the Rest: The Sens top six has been doing top sixie thangz in the first two...
Today, Troy Aikman earns anannual salary of about $7.5 millionas Fox's lead game analyst, but before his career in the broadcast booth, the Cowboys quarterback was a legend on the field. Thesix-time Pro Bowlerspent all 12 years of his career in Dallas, a Cowboys record for quarterbacks,...
2013 wasn’t only about receiving awards and success for Pitbull, though. It was also about giving back. Armando opened the very first SLAM! Charter School in Little Havana, Miami. In the six years since it has opened, there are nearly a dozen locations across the United States with roughl...
The Lord of the Rings prequel series developed by Amazon has a multiseason commitment and a $1 billion budget. Here's everything we know about the show so far.
Kelly 1968: Celine Dion Anirudh Koul // Wikimedia Commons 1968: Celine Dion - Date of birth: March 30 Quebecois superstar Celine Dion sang on TV for the first time when she was just 13 years old. She's one of the bestselling female singers in music history and continues to perform ...