点A、B在抛物线造型上,且点A到水平面的距离AC=4米,点B到水平面距离为2米,OC=8米。 (1)请建立适当的直角坐标系,求抛物线的函数解析式; (2)为了安全美观,现需在水平线OC上找一点P,用质地、规格已确定的圆形钢管制作两根支柱PA、PB对抛物线造型进行支撑加固,那么怎样才能找到两根支柱...
What can I say, I guess it's just been one of those years No need to worry what good does it do Darlin' turn out the light andTell me that you love me too Everything is gonna be alright I can see the future shining bright Just when things get tight It's no time to lose heart...