It is a rare gift that Jerry has, to be able to listen attentively, to hear what you have to say, and then counsel in a manner that leads you to a path that is consistent with God's will for your life. This gift is more valuable than Jerry's vast experience and rock solid advice...
/ A generous soul will prosper, and he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. Treasury of Scripture For to every one that has shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that has not shall be taken away even that which he has. unto. Matthew 13:12 For whosoever...
I know. Because I have God and divinity inside me and that means I believe in God and divinity inside of everyone, and my mortal support team has been powerful enough to carefully wind up the unraveling ends of my Faith Thread and hold it taut: The friend who seemed to know just when ...
‘I tell you that everyone who has will be given more;This statement reflects a principle of divine economy and stewardship. It suggests that those who are faithful and diligent with what they have been given will receive even more. This principle is echoed in other parts of Scripture, such...
We have already accused everyone (both Jews and Greeks) of being under the power of sin, 10 as Scripture says, “Not one person has God’s approval.11 No one understands.No one searches for God.12 Everyone has turned away.Together they have become rotten to the core.No one does ...
You need not be concerned. So much good has been happening at Satis House; I just haven’t been keeping you all up-to-date here. I won’t fill you all in now, but just know that the front yard is looking great after it had a serious de-thatching last September; the side yard ...
And a nation that does not know you will run to you, Because of theLordyour God, even the Holy One of Israel; For He has glorified you.” 6 Seek theLordwhile He may be found; Call on Him [for salvation] while He is near. ...
The world has been described as a powerful play; it is indeed an epic current that drives into the new spacetimes at breakneck paces, if one indeed opens one’s eyes at the billion actions at every moment, in all the places where the tumblers are flipped, and we all channel that awesom...
The second amendment has never been in place for the populace to seek justice outside of the rule of law. Rather, it serves as a restraint to ensure that government power is also delimited by those same boundaries. We live in a time where those limits are being pushed to the breaking po...
Now, my question to you was: If I am coming, and claiming in front of the crowd that Jesus is the Messiah, and he has a divine power and I am bringing in my book a quote that he warned his students, those were his original followers which are much better than the followers today,...