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18. “We’re new-world mongrels. The women in the family read horoscopes, tea leaves, coffee bubbles, Tarot cards, and palms.”— Katherine Dunn 19. “Mystical groups such as the Theosophical Society and the Rosicrucians turned tarot into an American fad during the early 1900s.”— Brend...
So "Star crossed loves" the stars up there, horoscopes, signs of the zodiac, that sort of thing is the idea behind this. Astrology. Okay, right. So that's our, selective list of, words and phrases from Shakespeare, which are still used in the English language today. I hope you found...
So "Star crossed loves" the stars up there, horoscopes, signs of the zodiac, that sort of thing is the idea behind this. Astrology. Okay, right. So that's our, selective list of, words and phrases from Shakespeare, which are still used in the English language today. I hope you found...