She suddenly paused in her work, turned to him, and with a calm yet urgent voice, announced that their baby was ready to be born—two months earlier than expected. The couple hurried back to their home, and Agostino summoned the midwife. As he waited anxiously, Agostino’s mind wandered ...
I realized this week that I have actually been laying the foundation for my year ahead throughout the entire month of January. On January 4th, I started reading,The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and The Art of Livingby Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman. The meditation...
“Blissful Christmas” is here to give you a holiday pep talk and serve as a voice of calm amongst the holiday chaos. It will guide you to reflect, dream, plan and prioritize how you want your holiday season to unfold. Take control of your holiday reins and glide through the Christmas ...
polarizing. I have seen friends and families torn apart by their differences. If this is the case..make the decision that you will embrace the differences and love them anyway OR keep your distance this year until things calm down. Perhaps a rule…no talk of politics when you’re together...
Are my days calm and intentional or stressful and haphazard? Did I complete all my daily planning sessions or skip some? Do I feel accomplished at the end of most days? Are my high priority days being addressed? Am I on track to meet my long-term goals? This day was especially producti...
Are my days calm and intentional or stressful and haphazard? Did I complete all my daily planning sessions or skip some? Do I feel accomplished at the end of most days? Are my high priority days being addressed? Am I on track to meet my long-term goals?
As a mother of 6, I know all about the stress of parenting and the chaos of raising tiny humans. But my goal is to help you bring back the calm and enjoy your family more! With activities, crafts, printables, tips, and more, I can help you fill your days with joy and make memori...