而且,John McCrea is openly gay,所以,他与Jamie的角色是灵魂共通的,可能拥有过类似的生活经历,所以,他演起来很有说服力,完全不觉得做作,虚假,夸张,可以说Jamie New与他而言,是量身定制,命中注定的角色,这部剧也成就了他的事业。 当看到Jamie在舞台上现场脱衣换装时,我真惊讶于演员的大胆,可能真的不太需要羞耻...
But this is why I attempt to give every motion picture a fair shake with as few preconceptions as possible. Not only isEverybody’s Talking About Jamieentertaining, it’s so wholesomely kind it couldn’t help but make me feel terrific in ways I didn’t know I needed until after it ha...
Jamie New is sixteen and lives on a council estate in Sheffield. Jamie doesn’t quite fit in. Jamie is terrified about the future. Jamie is going to be a sensation. Supported by his brilliant loving mum and surrounded by his friends, Jamie overcomes prejudice, beats the bullies and steps ...
A charmer and a crowd-pleaser,Everybody's Talking About Jamieis a movie musical with a heart of gold. Set in the rural town of Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, the film follows 16-year-old Jamie New, a queer teen who has pie-in-the-sky aspirations of being a drag queen. As he...
“Everybody’s Talking About Jamie” could have used more moments like this, when people aren’t just talking about Jamie but putting his baby struggle in a larger context, as today’s gays don’t always appreciate the fight that paved the way. The surest sign of progress here is that ...
Everybody's Talking About Jamie: Regie: Jonathan Butterell, Dan Gillespie Sells, Tom MacRae Mit Max Harwood, Lauren Patel, Sarah Lancashire, Shobna Gulati Spielfilmverfilmung des Musicals über einen Teenager aus Sheffield, England, der eine Drag Queen w
Everybody’s Talking About Jamie is one of those rare films that manages to put a smile on your face and ultimately leaves you with a full heart.
The openly gay Butterell is, himself, from Sheffield, where the film—based on a true story—takes place. Jamie New (Max Harwood) is a 16-year-old student whose life’s ambition is to become a drag queen. His mum, Margaret (Sarah Lancashire), is incredibly supportive, as is his best...
An open casting is being held in Sheffield, where the story is set.The musical 'Everybody's...Dalton, Ben
Everybody's Talking About Jamie ending spoilers (for the movie and the musical) follow. After a delay of almost one year, the movie adaptation of much-loved stage musical Everybody's Talking About Jamie is now available to watch on Amazon Prime Video. Based on the real-life story...