例如: ·Overwhelmed by passion, she could not say a word. 因為被情感淹沒,她一句話也說不出來。 pooped 船尾有一個高起來的部分叫做poop,此處的甲板則叫做 poop deck。poop當動詞用時,原始的解釋是指大浪打到poop deck這塊甲板上。如果連這個高點都被浪打到,甲板的其他區域當然也一定都泡在水裡了。pooped...
WHY IS THIS LIFE DISCOLORING AMPUTATION RITUAL ON DICKS NOT STOPPED??? Why no word from the bandwagoneers about circumcision of baby men's dicks or circumcising healthy blood cells with pHARMa routine sells pitches it's the flag being circumcised that bothers them?pre...
Mostly he just goes to a house and a diner and a jail and a coroner’s office. The only way the title makes sense is as a four-word review of the film. 1994:It’s Pat Touchstone 1994:It’s Pat Saturday Night Livespawned some crummy spinoff movies in the ’90s, but none worse ...
active, and well-paced. Ms. Lacey is a recent find for me and I have greatly appreciated her word skills with each foray into her work. Her characters tend to be uniquely flawed yet enticing and endearing. She has my attention
Professor Watts Word Search: Into the Ocean Professor Watts Word Search: Pirates Life Professor Watts Word Search: Space Voyage Professor Watts Word Search: Yummy Foods Professor Why Chemistry 1 Professor Why: The Quantum Eye Proficient Paddles Profitania Profundum Prog.1 Progeny VR Progetto Ustica...
laid out for a while, worked out. HERES A BIG ONE. thats what she said. no really heres a big’un. i was leaving to my room to finish my workout, and i said something about being lazy, and naomi said something to the effect of “um, lazy is the last word id use to describe...
The only way the title makes sense is as a four-word review of the film. 1994: It’s Pat Touchstone 1994: It’s Pat Saturday Night Live spawned some crummy spinoff movies in the ’90s, but none worse than this unbearable slog about Julia Sweeney’s awkward and androgynous dork. As ...
laid out for a while, worked out. HERES A BIG ONE. thats what she said. no really heres a big’un. i was leaving to my room to finish my workout, and i said something about being lazy, and naomi said something to the effect of “um, lazy is the last word id use to describe...
The movie may have been conceived by director David Ayer in a coherent way, but by the timeSuicide Squadgot released, it had been chopped into cinematic coleslaw. A word of caution: Don’t expect the “Extended Cut” to make the film any better. The last thingSuicide Squadneeded to be ...
The movie may have been conceived by director David Ayer in a coherent way, but by the timeSuicide Squadgot released, it had been chopped into cinematic coleslaw. A word of caution: Don’t expect the “Extended Cut” to make the film any better. The last thingSuicide Squadneeded to be ...