14) XXIII (Best: Un-normal Activity) Now “Un-normal Activity” is how you do a modern-dayTreehouse of Horrorspoof. “Un-normal Activity” takes theParanormal Activityfranchise and lampoons it in such a way that it actually made me want to go back and watch the first film in the serie...
A team of paranormal researchers plans to break into one of Korea’s most haunted asylums where multiple people have gone missing. While the movie starts slow, it gives room for the cast to flesh out and creates some bonds that make it all the more shocking when things go south later. No...
This is a parody ofThe Devil Inside, which was itself a bad movie. ButA Haunted House 2makesThe Devil Insidelook likeThe Exorcist.Whatever the merits of the dozens ofParanormal Activityclones we got all through the 2010s, they at least didn’t feature the sight of Marlon Wayans humping cre...
With so many pages turned, and so many lessons learned, I have to say that the absolute cream of the crop this year, the best of the best books, the ones I would recommend to any one, are these (in no specific ranked order): Black River Orchard by Chuck Wendig A bonkers nutso t...