In Microsoft Excel and other applications, you can insert Greek letter symbols to enhance the visual representation of your content. SymbolDescriptionExample α Alpha symbol α particles β Beta symbol β decay γ Gamma symbol γ radiation δ Delta symbol Δx (change) ε Epsilon symbol ε value ...
Add a title under the number. Create a brief, descriptive title. Capitalize the first letter for each important word. Italicize the title and place it under the table number. Formatting: Only use horizontal lines. Limit use of cell shading. ...
And just remember, you don’t have to be a Leonardo da Vinci or Picasso to be an artist. No matter what your skills may be, this site can help you get the look you desire. In fact, with a little practice, you can create some amazing works of art and have a great time while doi...
My aversion to the letter “x” also extends to other languages as well. If you’re talking about me in a language other than English, please try to use the respective third-person plural or a modification thereof that at least sounds more natural than ending words with “-x”. For exam...
Check if string starts with letter/character. check installed memory with physical memory Check network drive connection Check object property existance check PKI certificate expiration Check string for two special characters back to back Check to see if user has mailbox in o365 Checking a directory...
This is a classic error, related to copying fragments of code (Copy-Paste). Apparently, the programmer copied the block of code "if (a[1] != b[1]) return (int) a[1] - (int) b[1];". Then he started changing the indices and forgot to replace "1" with "5". This resulted ...
I just have a six-letter, lower-case base password, then for each account, start with a couple of capital letters that relate to the site, and end with a four-digit number (I have a few different ones I use). Thus, a password for the Ask Leo site would look like this: ALfuture...
A dictionary definition for a character will do to get us started: "A character is commonly a symbol representing a letter or number." That's simple enough. But like so many other concepts, for it to be meaningful, we need to consider the broader context and put it into practice. Charac...
EncryptinganddecryptingROT-13 is easy. It is short for "Rotate 13 letters". If you know thealphabet(US centric, sorry, I realize) then you can easily make a ROT-13 chart: abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz Now say you want to decrypt the phrase "Uryyb jbeyq!". Take the first letter, 'U...
Check if string starts with letter/character. check installed memory with physical memory Check network drive connection Check object property existance check PKI certificate expiration Check string for two special characters back to back Check to see if user has mailbox in o365 Checking a directory...