Chapter "Such is the woe cast upon the Domains of the God-Emperor of Mankind in these times that in their wisdom and beneficience, the High Lords of Terra have this day issued this decree: Let there be a Founding of the Adeptus Astartes, and let the foes of the Emperor know that thi...
The fifth trumpet is blown (we’re in Chapter 9 now, if you’re playing along) and another falling star crashes into the earth. This one opens an abyss, out of which come smoke and a host of locusts which attack the earth. We’re told that the locusts look like “little horses, pr...
So that was actually interesting, curious that he switched from a 30-year period of the Sun being in Leo to a new 30-year chapter of his life with the Sun being in Virgo around the time of the election, which is interesting and curious in itself. KS: Hugely so. And one interpretat...
MPPT stands for Maximum Power Point Tracking. MPPT charge controllers can have an efficiency rating of up to 99.5%. Saving the details for chapter 12, which is dedicated to charge controllers, I will mention that the main reason to spend the extra money for an MPPT charge controller when des...
Chapter 4, with his character being described as an old friend of John's. Despite this description, considering the bad blood seen between John and Halle Berry's Sofia inParabellum, it's not impossible that Yen's character has had a similar falling out with John, with the two forced to ...
I finished Pretty Things, listened to a few hours of Just Mercy, and also read a few chapters of Joyful (which will likely be reviewed next month as I can really only read about a chapter at a time when it comes to more dry, educational non-fiction books). TELL ME WHAT YOU ARE ...
Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 1 is a Western film directed by Kevin Costner, and sees him in the starring role. The film explores multiple generations surrounding the expansion of the American West before and after the Civil War. Horizon is the first in a series of four films, all ...
chapter brief box birth ability yourself village valley thick quick pulled phase page ordinary observed nevertheless membership master individuals hill fig discovered column assumed april advantage wine text texas song somehow russia resources morgan legal items independent increases horses fields faces evil ...
Such truthful words and a beautiful summary of what being a parent is all about. Xo Reply Cindy Thank you for a beautiful reminder of what being a parent is truly all about. My children are now much older than yours, but I miss those days and treasure every memory. Those days helped ...
This paper considers the role of seafaring as an important aspect of everyday life in the communities of prehistoric Cyprus. The maritime capabilities deve