If you’d like to check out moreElden RingNPC side quests, try our guides forMillicent’s questandBlaidd’s storylineas well. And if you’re really looking for allElden Ringhas to offer, here’s how to getall endings, and everything to know aboutnew game plus....
Elden Ring's Fia the Deathbed Companion's questlineis one that is wrapped in secrecy from the start. The NPC who grants the player a blessing with each of her embraces asks the player if she could return a weathered dagger to its owner, and this small, seemingly innocent act feels like ...
White-Faced Varré questline walkthrough The first NPC you meet in Elden Ring is White-Faced Varré, who infamously points out that you’ve arrived in the Lands Between “maidenless.” It can be tempting to kill Varré then and there, but doing so precludes you from completing his story...
Wondering how to defeat a certain boss or where to find that cool weapon? These Elden Ring guides will help guide you through your journey in the Lands Between.
If you want to give the Bastard's Stars a try, you get it by killing Astel, Naturalborn of the Void during Ranni’s questline, then trading the Remembrance of the Naturalborn with Enia at the Roundtable Hold. Next: Elden Ring: The Best Fire Damage Weapons Lists...
- Started Fia's questine, what needs Rogier's questline, what needs Ranni's questline. So far I've been tasked with going to Nokron, and for that I need to kill Radan. - Did most of the side stuff in the underground areas. ...
Cat Quest 2 CATch the Stars Catgirl & Doggirl Cafe Catlateral Damage: Remeowstered Catmaze CatNab Cats Hidden In Bali Cats Hidden in Georgia Cats Hidden in Italy Cats Hidden in Jingle Jam Cats Hidden in Mapple Hollow Cats Hidden in Paris Cats in Time Cats on Duty: Pr...
Chief's Quest Chiffa 2 Chika Militant Cockroach CHIKARA: AAW Wrestle Factory CHIKARA: Action Arcade Wrestling Child of Ault Child of Light Child of the Wind Child Phobia: Nightcoming Fears Children of a Dead Earth Children of Apollo Children of Colossus Children of Liberty Children of Morta Child...
10. Elden Ring Elden Ring Average Score: 9.40/10 Score Range: 8.7/10 to 10/10 Year of Release:2022 Genre:Open-world Fantasy Action Role-Playing Game (RPG) Consoles:PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Windows PC ...
A woman steps into an odd machine and becomes… a chicken nugget?! Now, it’s up to her father and admirer to embark on a zany quest to bring her back. Irish Wish — NETFLIX FILM Maddie’s dream guy is days away from marrying her best friend when she makes a wish on an ancient...