How is D&D 2024 different to 5E? D&D 2024 will be different to the current Fifth Edition of Dungeons & Dragons in many ways, some of which we don’t know yet. The specific rule changes to the version are yet to be confirmed and are currently being tested out by players through extensiv...
I was wondering if the application of the player succeeds with a twist feature as a variant in D&D 5e ability check and saving throws failure interpretation (where usually a fail is just a fail) could improve the storytelling fluency (and overall party fun) without unbalancing the game. dnd-...
This game incorporates elements from the DnD universe, including character classes, dragons, and immersive storylines. Players battle Tiamat, the dragon queen, and other mythical creatures, while using pinball mechanics integrated with a fantasy adventure. Available in different editions, including a ...
So, take the player aside and explain that you made a mistake in approving the character's background. After having the character in the campaign for some time, you've realized his character makes the game too difficult to run, and either the player can play a different chara...
So in the PHB and DMG (I believe) it clearly states to use common sense. Although the other guys did do a great job of explaining the technicals, 5e isn't meant to be a technical game. So use common sense, in that to exemplify with your Arcana-fireball check...
Here's the thing: even though you're literally pitting the players against adversaries, the DM-player relationship in 5e should not be adversarial. I put in terrain and traps so that my players can have fun defeating them, not so that I can spring surprises on them and laugh ev...
Pieces Focused on Small Businesses or Creators: The Grain and The Glass - A stain glass maker in the TTRPG & Gaming Community Adder Stone Games - Legends of Avallen creator interview Advice columns for homebrew, combat, thieve's guilds, gamemastering, and more Featuring Grammpaw Dragonb...