Ranking Every DBZ Saga From Best to Worst Anna Lindwasser UpdatedJanuary 15, 202516items Ranked By 7.9Kvotes 1.1Kvoters Voting Rules Vote up the epic 'Dragon Ball Z' sagas you think stand tall above the rest. Goku and his fellowDBZfighters are some of the most recognizable fi...
Dragon Ball Z Kaiis the same asDBZbut with editing that helps it more closely resemble the source material from Akira Toriyama's manga. Besides the shorter runtime, the revised series included newly recorded voice lines and remastered visuals and audio. The series played a big role in introduc...
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is an action-RPG based on the popular anime series (it was previously known as Dragon Ball Project Z). As in other DBZ games, Kakarot will explore key moments from the TV show. It’s coming to consoles and PC in early 2020. 12 Minutes 12 Minutes is an interac...