Watch these segments. The environmental effects of fossil fuels are taught as well. Global warming, acid rain, and geoengineering all are in this part of the course. Part of their solution is too. Renewables follow, with clips on solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, biofuels, etc. You’ll even...
As CO2 diffuses into systemic capillaries and enters red blood cells, it reacts with water in the presence of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA) to form carbonic acid, which dissociates into H+ and HCO3-. #Haldane Effect: The lower the amount of oxyhemoglobin (Hb–O2), ...
Dračínský M, Hodgkinson P (2015) Solid-state NMR studies of nucleic acid components. RCS Adv 5:12300–12310 Google Scholar Eichhorn SJ, Davies GR (2006) Modelling the crystalline deformation of native and regenerated cellulose. Cellulose 13:291–317 CAS Google Scholar Emons AMC, Mulder...
The energy density of oil 500 times higher than a lead-acid battery (House), which is why it takes 1,200 pounds of lead-acid batteries to move a car 50 miles. The performance of batteries has to be improved 100-fold or more to make them light enough for trucks and cars. The cost ...
6 CO2+ 6 H2O + light → C6H12O6+ 6 O2 Ever wondered why you shed tears while chopping an onion? This also happens because of the underlying chemistry concepts. As soon as you slice an onion, sulfenic acid is formed from amino acid sulfoxides. Sulfenic acid is responsible for the volatile...
What happens when two molecules in a polysaccharide split apart? What is this process called? What enivornment do polysaccharides need to be in to perform this reaction? What is the ratio of C:H:O in Which of the following is a polysaccharide? a. Phosphatidic acid. b. Sucrose. c. Ph...
HCl also known as Hydrochloric Acid Molar Mass of HCl: 36.46 g/mol ElementSymbolAtomsMass % Hydrogen H 1 2.8% Chlorine Cl 1 97.2% Studying helium helps scientists better understand not only the Earth, but the other planets as well. In the solar system, scientists discovered helium in the...
acid content, it should be kept refrigerated and even then has a limited shelf life. flyes an exercise targetting the pectoral muscles usually performed by lying face-up on a bench with arms almost straight (don’t lock out your elbows, just keep the elbow joint at the same angle through...
In 2009, NASA announced that samples returned from Comet Wild 2 during theStardust missionrevealed a building block of life — glycine. It was the first time anamino acid was found in a comet. In 2014, the European Space Agency'sRosetta spacecraftentered orbit aroundComet 67P/Churyumov-Ger...
Then, using a bubbling electrode, the device removes gaseous carbon dioxide and converts it into carbon monoxide and formic acid. This is where the new technology gets even more exciting. Carbon monoxide has many uses, the most important of which, in the context of cleaning up the Earth’s...