Electro-Voice公司推出其首款电池供电的扬声器:EVERSE 8,它是同类产品中的第一个风化型号 Electro-Voice公司推出了他们的第一款电池供电的扬声器,也是其类型中的第一个风化型号,EVERSE 8。 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14R4y1Q74g/www.bilibili.com/video/BV14R4y1Q74g/ 划重点: Electro-Voice推出了...
In common with many recent portable PA speakers, the Everse 8 incorporates Bluetooth music streaming and digital signal processing. At its heart is Electro‑Voice’s QuickSmart DSP, which looks after all the usual housekeeping, protection and crossover (2.25kHz) duties, as well as providing a...
Electro-Voice EVERSE 8’s superior sound quality, user-friendliness, and all-in-one PA system design make it great for live music, vocals, performers, and more.
2022年10月25日,博世旗下品牌Electro-Voice在全球范围推出具有蓝牙音频和控制功能的EVERSE 8电池供电耐候专业扬声器。作为EV第一款电池供电扬声器,也是同类产品中的第一款耐候型号,EVERSE 8基于Electro-Voice数十年的专业工程经验以及最前沿技术,以超越目前市场上同类产品的性价比,为用户提供真正便携的无线音频体验。 EVER...
Building on the success of the original Everse 8, the Everse 12 offers better sound, more output, and greater coverage. Electro-Voice loaded this battery-powered PA speaker with a 12-inch woofer to handle the lows and a 1-inch compression driver for the highs. The drivers,...