EverQuest Progression Servers invite everyone to go back and relive those bygone eras again. For some, they are a wonderful stroll down memory lane, a chance to relive memories of the past. For others, they are a chance to make those memories for the first time, to see those legendary ti...
Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart Slamjam said: ↑ “Hey there, just returned to the game and ya'll sound like a good fit for someone trying to get back into the swing of things. to whom should i ask for an invite or do you guys have a Discord serv...
In this week’s Meet the Community, we invite you to meet the guild Scarlet Phoenix of The Rathe server. Find out how your guild can be highlighted in a Meet the Community! Mar 26, 2007 Guild Name:Scarlet Phoenix Server:The Rathe (Karana) Guild Leader's Name:Boornador How did your gu...