If you are new toEverQuest, then you may be wondering just how their Heroic Adventures work. They offer a unique experience from which you can receive a number of rewards. The following guide will take a look at a few features of this part of the game. So if you have been looking to...
The old Camp/mob grind of the pre-65 game becomes less & less useful as you get deeper into the expansions & the "Group Progression" & "Heroic Adventures" systems will become the most rewarding way to gain level & aa XP. by 70 camp & grind is a lot less beneficial than a "plough...
Updates and a small revamp to Panda, Panda, Panda! - Those fluffy rapscallions will no longer require you to complete all their previous adventures to embark on their latest escapade. Looking into what's coming up, we’ve got Nights of the Dead slated for this month. November will see Ex...