要安装加载项,你需要新版 Microsoft Edge。下载新版 Microsoft Edge✕报告Evernote Web Clipper 加载项的滥用行为 如果你认为此加载项违反了 Microsoft Store 内容策略,请使用此表单。 选择滥用类别 * 威胁、网络欺凌、骚扰 骚扰是旨在打扰或扰乱一个人或一群人的任何行为。威胁包括任何自杀、暴力或伤害他人的威胁。
Evernote Web Clipper 是一个浏览器插件,让你将你在网页上查找的有趣内容直接保存在你的 Evernote 帐户。 Web Clipper 随时随地轻松管捕捉想法和灵感。将文章、网页和屏幕截图直接保存至 Evernote。 保存一切重要信息剪藏网页、网页正文或 PDF 并将它们保存在 Evernote 中。屏幕捕捉网页全屏或者仅捕捉你想要的部分—...
去 Chrome Web Store下载Evernote Web Clipper 印象笔记剪藏(需要翻墙连接Google服务器)如果不能翻墙访问...
因为2018-03-26 Evernote Web Clipper 的新版本造成的bug,不能登陆(国内版)印象笔记。 Google Chrome ---Evernote Web Clipper QQBrowser---Evernote Web Clipper 解决办法:首先卸载新版本的Evernote Web Clipper。然后,下载 印象笔记6.13.2_0 版本,官网下载链接:下载印象笔记clipper 。然后, Google Chrome: ...
To get started, you'll need to download the Webclipper, which is available for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge. Do that, log in to Evernote in your browser, and you're ready to start clipping. How to Use the Evernote Web Clipper The Clipper will...
Do you actually need a web clipper? Many web clipper features, such as copy & paste and screenshots, are now available natively in the browser or your computer's OS. So do you need a web clipper at all? Probably not — unless the web clipper can help you pick up where you left off...
MS Edge Firefox Safari Evernote Web Clipper 7.30.2 CLIPPER-3073 Fixed several issues by validating events, adding clickjacking protection and etc. Chrome Evernote Web Clipper CLIPPER-2582 Fixed an issue that could cause browser's same origin policy to be bypassed. ...
Both offer impressive features, but Evernote has an edge The web clipper Both Evernote and OneNote offer a web clipper—a browser extension that captures webpage contents at the click of a button. This makes grabbing page contents with unique formats (such as recipes or poems) a breeze. Wh...
And while Notion works very well on browser and desktop apps, the mobile app isn't as agile when dealing with big databases. Evernote has the edge here, as it'll load quickly enough to capture that idea before it fades into nothingness. Notion is better for teams Notion was built with ...
topic回覆到 Byynnn7的erodrig411 在Web Clipper Issues I have removed all extensions and restarted my computer. I then reinstalled the Evernote clipper in Microsoft Edge and I am still getting the same error with the clipper not working. The same error in the Chrome browser. I am running...