永恒能力 Everlasting Abilities MOD Everlasting Abilities这款模组是可以帮助你进入游戏后获得几十种的能力,能力包括原版中药水的增益效果和减益效果,及几个新增加的能力。这种能力很好获得,只需要击杀有特殊光效的生物即可, 特点 玩家第一次进入游戏时会随机获得一个能力瓶,手持能力瓶可以右键打开,打开后可以将能力瓶...
Come talk to us in #everlastingabilities on the Cyclops Discord server! Try out the Everlasting Abilities Compat addon for this mod! (1.19+ only) Try out the Potion Core addon for this mod! (1.12 only) Sometimes, you may want to have certain abilities, without having to carry around diffe...
Come talk to us in #everlastingabilities on theCyclops Discord server! This mod was commissioned byBlueFlare. This mod is an addon toEverlasting Abilitiesthatadds 33 new abilitiesfor the potions from thePotion Coremod. Just like the original Everlasting Abilities, all of these new abilities arefu...
* everlastingabilities,1.20.1翻译 * 修复效果译名,参考原版效果 * levitation:漂浮->飘浮 * Update projects/1.20/assets/everlastingabilities/everlastingabilities/lang/zh_cn.json 未找到能力 Co-authored-by: Cactus_student <97865546+Cactusstudent@users.noreply.github.com> * Update projects/1.20/assets/eve...
Everlasting Abilities Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 for Minecraft.Kroeser, is the man who is the genius behind the creation of this masterpiece. Generally speaking this mod shows the rigorous day and night efforts which are put in by the developer to come up with this amazing tool to entertain the...
永恒能力(Everlasting Abilities)Mod可以帮助你获得30种原版的buff与debuff。 具体的buff效果在游戏中会显示。 而且获得这些buff的方式很轻松,只需要击杀身上有特殊光效的生物即可。 下载地址点此下载 支持的MC版本: 1.15.2 1.14.4 1.12.2 1.12.1 1.12 1.11.2 1.10.2...
角色能力/永久能力(EverlastingAbilities)mod是作为The Modding Trials 2016的一部分创建的。 有时候,你可能想拥有一定的能力,而不必携带不同的药水瓶,穿着特殊的盔甲或使用特定的工具。 这个mod允许你拥有持久的能力,在你死后留在你身上,而且你不必随身携带特定的物品。
Entry for The Modding Trials 2016. Contribute to CyclopsMC/EverlastingAbilities development by creating an account on GitHub.
Everlasting Abilities gives the player the ability to retain various buffs without needing to carry around bottles of potions all the time. The Abilities come from random totems found throughout the world and are loaded up to the player via an Ability Bottle. The bottle should show up the firs...
everlastingabilities-1.21.1-neoforge-2.5.0-252.jar Bykroeser BetaB Dec 21, 2024 212.35 KB 3.4K 1.21.1 NeoForge File Name everlastingabilities-1.21.1-neoforge-2.5.0-252.jar Supported Versions 1.21.1 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects...