Dove tree, (species Davidia involucrata), small flowering tree, in the family Nyssaceae, with showy creamy bracts (modified leaves) surrounding the flowers. Native to southwestern China, it has been introduced elsewhere. Pyramidal in shape, with large br
Carolina sentinel holly is an evergreen tree with moderate growth range and upright, dense form. Beginning in the spring, small, white flowers emerge to contrast with the dark green foliage. These striking trees also create a hardy crop of red berries every fall, which last into winter. The ...
Though the common image of an evergreen may look something like a Christmas tree, evergreen trees actually vary greatly in their physical characteristics. Some, like the California redwood, can grow to be more than 350 feet tall, while others are just a few feet tall. Despite their name, n...
Simultaneously, the distribution of forest tree species strongly influences forest biomass and forest management strategies (Puumalainen et al., 2003, Swatantran et al., 2011). Among forest tree species, evergreen trees have significant differences with respect to carbon sequestration, soil and water...
In the analysis of combined effects of functional dominance metrics, they kept only CWM of specific leaf area and maximum plant height in the last model, with maximum plant height being the significant predictor. This is most likely tree height is a key factor for species-specific or multi-spe...
X. (2015). Particulate matter deposited on leaf of five evergreen species in Beijing, China: Source identification and size distribution. Atmospheric Environment, 105, 53-60.Song, Y.S.; Maher, B.A.; Li, F.; Wang X.K.; Sun X.; Zhang H.X. Particulate matter deposited on leaf of ...
Unlike tea,P. tremulais a perennial deciduous tree and hence the above twelve leaf senescence associated unigenes were also studied in this tree species before and during autumn senescence (winters) using the microarray data of Andersonet al3. In contrast to the gene expression in tea,Arf5,Erf...
1.To improve the conservation management of the evergreen broad-leaved woody plants,the baseline information regarding the species and their distribution pattern were collected through sample line,quadrate,literature review and specimen identification.为了掌握常绿阔叶木本植物的本底资料,提高保护管理水平,采用...
Juniper trees are found around the world, including in 49 of the continental United States. The tree provides food and shelter to wildlife, which eat the seeds and take cover under its branches. In the New England states, there are three types of juniper
The best condition for extract flavones in holly leaf was determined by orthogonal test. 利用溶剂提取法通过正交试验对冬青叶中的黄酮进行了提取,采用DPPH法对其抗氧化活性进行测定,用紫外分光光度法测定提取液中总黄酮含量;结果显示提取黄酮的最佳工艺条件为:乙醇溶液70%,浸提时间18h,回流时间4h,提取液的提取率...